Sunday, October 12, 2008

Design Sprout post

Veronica over at Design Sprout did a post on Sublet, and we just wanted to re-post, because it's so cute! See it below.

Also, Design Sprout was named as one of the top Environmentalist blogs (congrats!) by X-Ray Visionaires. Check out the entire list on her site here.

From Design Sprout:

"So you wanna be good. You want to dress sustainably in organic cotton with bamboo thread manufactured only by fair-trade companies but paying $95 for a t-shirt seems a bit c.r.a.z.y. to you. I understand. That's why I'm so thrilled for the change of seasons when things previously waaaaay out of my price range suddenly become affordable.
Sublet, a green clothing line, whose designs I DROOL over is having a humdinger of a sale with some options under $100 and Greenloop, the mac daddy of sustainable fashion, has loads of items for men and women up to 60% off. Now is where is where I say something cliché like "Go green without spending a lot of green" but what could be more fitting?"

Monday, October 6, 2008


Renee Garner, guest blogger of Modish did a great post on composting. Check out her simple yet informative illustrations that make the sometimes yucky business of composting- quite lovely.

This is a pretty good overview of composting through the EPA (here).

Also, if you're in the NYC area, you can take composting classes through the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens.. on our to-do list as well..

And if you love Renee's illustrations like we do, check out her site.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Cincinnati leads the movement in green roofs recently posted an article about Cincinnati, who wants to lead the movement in green roofs. Though they have yet to gain traction in the U.S., Cincinnati hopes to change that by channeling grants and loans into increasing the number of green roofs across the city.

Read about green roofs on the EPA's site (here)

Check out some of these green roofs and their progress below:
Milwaukee's municipal building (here)
Chicago's City Hall (here)